The Great People Manual presenta


“Trata a los demás como quieres que te traten a ti.”

En la escuela, tu hijo leyó uno de estos libros. Puedes hablar de los libros en casa.

  • If family members are squabbling, ask them to consider The Golden Rule as a solution for resolving the issue. 

  • Hold the door open for people when you are entering or exiting a building. 

  • Hold the elevator open if you see someone approaching. 

  • Bring newspapers from the street to the neighbors’ front doors, especially if they are elderly. 

  • When taking a second helping, ask if anyone else wants something. 

  • When leaving the home to run an errand, ask if anyone needs something.

  • Pause before reacting. Tell your child, I know I would like to be treated calmly, so I’m going to do the same for you. Then say whatever you need to in a calm voice.

Put The Golden Rule into your daily life

Praise your child’s efforts when they put The Golden Rule into practice.

Hands-On Activities

Hands-On Activities ⋆

Would you like to learn more about The Great People Manual? 

Here’s a sneak peak at what we’ll be teaching: Scope and Sequence PDF Year 1.

Learn more

At 311 Literacy we’re on a mission to build great kids with The Great People Manual.   

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